To make easier the binding and reproduction of the document, should be conserve the next margins:
- Up 3cm (pages with headline have a margin of 4cm).
-left 4cm.
-right 2cm.
-down 3cm.
The title of each chapter start with an independent page, from 4cm of the upper border.
The text is write from one interline and the titles are separated of its respective contents with double interline.
Cover page:
Margins- fallows the margins rules, but it have headline so the “up” margin is of 4cm.
Headline-in the upper part of the cover page should be write the
title of the work or Project (centered).
Second line-in the exact middle of the cover page should be write the complete names of the author or authors (centered).
Third line-in the bottom of the cover page should be write the:
Name of the institution
Faculty, DepartmentDependency, Seccion, Area * Centered and in that exact same order.
Table of contents:
Margins- fallows the margins rules, but it have headline so the “up” margin is of 4cm.
Headline-in the upper part of the table of contents should be write “CONTENT” (centered).
CONTENT (center)
-2 interlinesPage. (Right part of the page)
-2 interlinesINTRODUCTION (Left part of the page) 3(respective # page at the righ part)
- 2 interlines
1. FIRST LEVEL TITLE (chapter title) 8
- 2 interlines1.1. SECOND LEVEL TITLE (SUBCHAPTER) 15
-2 interlines1.2.1. THIRD LEVEL TITLE 25
-2 interlines5. CONCLUSIONS 27
-2 interlinesBIBLIOGRAPHY 29
-2 interlinesINDEXS 32
-2 interlinesANNEXS 41
· Bibliography:
Bibliography. Print materials (books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and other sources) search by the investigator to support his work. Its inclusion is obligatory in all investigation work. Each bibliographic reference starts against the left margin.
The bibliographic references that conform bibliography are order alphabetically, according to the second name of the search authors, or of the titles, when the author don’t appear or is anonymous.
When there are more references of a same author, they are order by the titles, and the name of the author is only writing in the first reference.
For the next references only put eight lines instead of the name always is not the first reference of the page.
In the case the author and title are repeated is organized by date putting, first the more recent edition, and these two items (author, title) are replaced by eight line, repeating punctuation.
When the reference occupy more than two interlines, the second and next are write from one interline of the left margin, and between references are left two interlines.