martes, 12 de junio de 2007

Green socks

"Green Socks" is a campaign that the school Colombo Britanico had create to return to students, parents, teachers and all kind of people involved with the school the loosed love and appreciation for our institution, its theme are the green socks that represent us between other schools.
I agree that the idea is good, its needed and I also like the logo but I also think is a waste of money that school is making, money that can be used in better things, because a problem like this can be solved with the almost free conversation, not with stickers, candies, flags, posters, t-shirts and guys all painted riding bicycles or stilts. My idea is to make things like conferences of the same students, not a waste of money and can be understand and enter the peoples mind.


It´s near the entrance of the school, it’s big and it occupies a good space of terrain. Is located near batch and the school pools.

The main propose of the cafeteria is to provide food to people, in the students case, all the junk food needed to complete an arduous school journey. But it also have other proposes at school as proving money to the institution and to the country by the paid of taxes, just imagine all the money produced by a business like this, and last but not least important, is all the jobs provide by the cafeteria, that can be either the people working to the school, employees of Sodexho the international cafeteria, D´Café the coffee cafeteria or Habbibi the meditarrean food cafeteria, and indirect jobs. This three are the option that gives different kind of food in the cafeteria.

Ethic & Values at scool

The School Colombo Británico is an institution whose main objective is to teach the students the meaning of the values, to show the ethics to them so that they put it in practices throughout their life, like students and professionals. This is an aid and help that the school gives to the students so that they are better people with an integral formation based on the moral principles of the catholic tradition, and with the values that identify the Colombian and British cultures. For a social commitment with the community, this is the MISSION of the school. The School objective is “to be recognized national and world-wide level like an institution with academic excellence and education in values”. Between the most important values that the school contributes to their students stands out:




Icontec rules for a Microsoft word document

· Margins:
To make easier the binding and reproduction of the document, should be conserve the next margins:

- Up 3cm (pages with headline have a margin of 4cm).
-left 4cm.
-right 2cm.
-down 3cm.

The title of each chapter start with an independent page, from 4cm of the upper border.
The text is write from one interline and the titles are separated of its respective contents with double interline.

· Cover page:
- fallows the margins rules, but it have headline so the “up” margin is of 4cm.

Headline-in the upper part of the cover page should be write the title of the work or Project (centered).

Second line-in the exact middle of the cover page should be write the complete names of the author or authors (centered).

Third line-in the bottom of the cover page should be write the:
Name of the institution
Faculty, Department

Dependency, Seccion, Area * Centered and in that exact same order.

Table of contents:
- fallows the margins rules, but it have headline so the “up” margin is of 4cm.

Headline-in the upper part of the table of contents should be write “CONTENT” (centered).


CONTENT (center)
-2 interlines
Page. (Right part of the page)
-2 interlines
INTRODUCTION (Left part of the page) 3(respective # page at the righ part)
- 2 interlines
1. FIRST LEVEL TITLE (chapter title) 8
- 2 interlines
-2 interlines
-2 interlines
-2 interlines
-2 interlines
-2 interlines

· Bibliography:

Bibliography. Print materials (books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and other sources) search by the investigator to support his work. Its inclusion is obligatory in all investigation work. Each bibliographic reference starts against the left margin.

The bibliographic references that conform bibliography are order alphabetically, according to the second name of the search authors, or of the titles, when the author don’t appear or is anonymous.

When there are more references of a same author, they are order by the titles, and the name of the author is only writing in the first reference.

For the next references only put eight lines instead of the name always is not the first reference of the page.

In the case the author and title are repeated is organized by date putting, first the more recent edition, and these two items (author, title) are replaced by eight line, repeating punctuation.

When the reference occupy more than two interlines, the second and next are write from one interline of the left margin, and between references are left two interlines.

viernes, 1 de junio de 2007

Colombian Flora & Funa

The flora and fauna or plants an animals is very varied in Colombia. In the coast of the Caribbean manglares and coconut palms the forest are many commercially usable trees, like mahogany, palosanto, rivet, walnut, cedar, pine and some varieties of balsam. Between the tropical plants they are included: Hule (rubber), chicle, Peruvian bark, hemstitches, zarzaparrilla, jengibre, rubber of copal, ipecacuana, haba tonca and frijol beaver. Other characteristic plants of the country are frailejón, oca and tagua. Between the wild animals are the greatest mammals of South America, such as jaguar, puma, to tapir, pecarí, anteater, cariacú, melero bear, armadillo and several species of monkeys, like the monkey chucuto or uacarí. The lizards, that time back abounded along the main rivers, have been hunted in an intensive way, reason why actually there are few . In the tropical regions can be found many varieties of serpents. Between the most outstanding birds it is necessary to mention the cóndor, vulture, toucan, perico, paujil, stork, tente and colibrí.

The Ozone Layer

The ozone produced by the sun light protect and maintain the life in the planet earth because it absorbed and is like a shield that protect the living things from the dangerous ultraviolet radiation produced by the sun. So the scientific get worried when they discover that some products called CFC´s (make of fluor) used in aerosols, can represent a significative damage to the ozone layer, this chemicals react in certain way with the sun, so when they are in the atmosphere this special reaction is corrosive to the ozone layer and can open holes in this, in which the UV rays would pass directly to the planet.
The first hole discover in 1970 was over the Antarctica and it was almost 28 million square kilometers big, and after that the Scientifics started putting special attention to this problem.
Actually there similar holes over the Arctic, Scandinavia and North America, The Max Planck (Germany) institute affirms that if this continues in 30 or 40 years the ozone layer would disappear completely. The European Union, world-wide organizations and the NASA are proving an especial care to the ozone layer; they say that in 2050 the ozone layer would be totally recuperated.

The most important persons in my life

The most important persons in my life are my parents my dad is Called Julian Coronel he is 54 years old and my mum Constanza Cuervo, I think she would prefer that I don’t tell her age-womans-, my father is an Internal Doctor specialized in cardiology and my mum a fonoaudiologa my dad like shooting things he was a hunter as a hobbies but long ago he don’t do it because of the security, in the actual situation of our country he can not just enter the rainforest and shoot he also like riding bike , my mum like to cook she enjoy it as she enjoy doing spinning.
They both life with me and I have good relationship with them, some times I fight and discuss with my mother but nothing serious.

Mandiguaca a special place

Mendiguaca is a delightful place near Santa Marta in the north of Colombia, is far of the city so is a very nice place with many nature and all kind of animals like titi monkeys, Guacamayas that are colorful parrots and the friendly Tucans that are other kind of bird.
I go many times when I was little with my parents and brothers, we stay in a nice hotel near the beach, I specially remember that a group of friends and me use to go to the beach and hunt ghost crabs which are white crabs that mix with the sand and are almost invisible.